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DEUPREE (Qingdao) Industrial Technology Co., Ltd.

Contact: Manager Sun

Phone: 15165227029

Mailbox: deupree_1@126.com

Address: E1-212, Textile Valley, No. 80, Siliu South Road, Shibei District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province

Website: www.deupree.cn

What is the point of using absolute value encoders?

2020-07-21 15:37:45

We know that rotary encoders are divided into incremental encoders absolute encoders. Generally speaking, absolute encoders are much more expensive than incremental encoders. Absolute encoders are divided into single-turn multi-turn. The multi-turn type is also much more expensive than the single-turn type. The main differences between incremental encoders absolute encoders are:

Incremental encoders should alternately output a set of pulse codes every time the mechanical shaft rotates a fixed angle interval.

The absolute encoder is always based on the current angle of the mechanical axis continuously outputs its rotation position code.

The difference between a single-turn absolute encoder a multi-turn absolute encoder is only the angular position encoding output range. The former has only one range, the latter can perform multi-turn rotation position measurement.

However, this does mean that absolute encoders must be used in position measurement applications, nor does it mean that multi-turn absolute encoders must be used in remote position detection.

In fact, for many applications of transmission operation control equipment, even with incremental encoders single-turn absolute encoders, the so-called multi-turn position detection recording functions can be realized.

We must first discuss the measurement application scenarios of the encoder.

The application of positioning measurement in operation control transmission equipment can basically be divided into two categories: distance measurement position measurement.

a technical point of view, for distance measurement applications, both incremental absolute encoders are achievable. The advantages of absolute encoders are more reflected in accuracy performance, while incremental encoders are more economical practical. If you want to achieve the target position measurement, you must consider using a multi-turn encoder, because this will involve the uniqueness of the feedback code.

The uniqueness of the feedback code means that the encoder will repeat the output signal during a specific rotation period, the position code for each angle is unique.

Absolute encoder_HN.jpg



DEUPREE (Qingdao) Industrial Technology Co., Ltd.

Contact person:Manager Sun



Address:Textile Valley, No. 80, Siliu South Road, Shibei District, Qingdao City, Shandong ProvinceE1-212



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