1 Angle measurement
In the car driving simulator, the photoelectric encoder is selected as the sensor for steering wheel angle measurement. The gravity measuring instrument uses a photoelectric encoder to connect its shaft to the compensation knob shaft of the gravity measuring instrument. The torsion angle meter uses an encoder to measure the change of the torsion angle, such as torsion testing machine, fishing rod torsion fishing performance test, etc.; the pendulum impact testing machine uses an encoder to calculate the impact is the change of the swing angle.
2 length measurement
The meter counter uses the circumference of the roller to measure the length distance of an object.
The cable displacement sensor uses the circumference of the reel to measure the length of the object.
Direct coupling measurement, coupled with the main shaft to drive a linear displacement power device, measure by the number of output pulses.
In media detection, linear displacement information is transmitted through linear racks, rotating sprocket wheels, timing belt wheels.
three. Speed measurement
Line speed, connect the meter to measure the line speed of the production line
Angular speed, measure the speed of motors, shafts, etc. through encoders
4 position measurement
On the machine tool, the coordinate position of each coordinate point of the machine tool is stored, such as a drilling machine.
In terms of automatic control, it controls the designated actions of the pastoral area. Such as elevators, elevators, etc.
5 Synchronous control
Realize tension control by synchronously controlling the transmission link by angular velocity linear velocity
DEUPREE (Qingdao) Industrial Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact person:Manager Sun
Address:Textile Valley, No. 80, Siliu South Road, Shibei District, Qingdao City, Shandong ProvinceE1-212